Tuesday 29 March 2011

Getting Closer..

Still a long way to go, but it's becoming a real game..
- another type of enemy (flamethrower? :D )
- miniboss at the last platform (three penguins under one armour shooting big projectiles..)
- make level longer (that means more enemys!!! can GS handle it??)
- balance everything (power-ups and enemy shoot rates and stuff)
- a lot more..

Friday 25 March 2011

Title Change and Menu art..

 Title is now INVASION OF KILLER ROBOT PENGUINS! I'm dropping the Nazi from the name..
And this is the menu..

Monday 21 March 2011


IoNRP now has SOUNDS!!! Even more fun and excitement! :)
Check it out (sounds are temporary though, until i get my sound recording skills..):

Sunday 20 March 2011

Friday 18 March 2011

A little bit of a gameplay..

Still a lot to do, like moving forward for example :)
But thats the start..

Moving forward..
Reuse of killed actors and pickedup pickups..
Spawning of robot penguins and more and more of them..
Fuel pickups (radioactive icecubes!)..
Weapon upgrades..
Robot penguins must die better.. :)
Scoring (best score etc.. unfortunately GameSalad doesn't support GameCenter!)
and lot lot lot more...